That name, what does it mean? Do you sell bags?

Hello everyone first of all please let me explain where the name Brown Bag Technologies Corp. comes from. It all happened sometime in 1997, while having a beer in one of my favorite watering holes located in the west end of the Island of Montreal, amusingly named the West Island. This name carries many cultural, political and ethnic stereo types in the city of Montreal. A city where the 2 biggest past times are the Montreal Canadians, provincial politics.

Now back to the point, sitting there having a beer and a crazy idea hits me and I spent the next few hours trying to convince my buddy that we could start a sideline project. Making a few bucks selling stuff that was of lower technical content and make more money or a higher profit margin than the other computer equipment that kept losing value on an hourly basis sitting in a warehouse. Already being in the business, I managed to convince him that selling computer mice, keyboards, speakers and all other similar peripherals was a better money maker than selling Intel processors, memory chips and hard drives.  The place where we enjoyed the coldest draft beer in town had brown napkins from recycled paper. I was looking for a name that would indicate a low end product line looking at these brown napkins and somehow thinking brown paper bag, brown bag lunch, low end lunch…Brown Bag Technologies Corp. ( was born, over the years the name has given us our share of challenges. Bag manufacturers seemed to like our name, we have had to explain to many customers the story behind the name, some got it and some just didn’t. So sometimes we go as Brown Bag Technologies, or Les Technologies Brown Bag and the more favourable BBT Corp.